What is this course about?

We understand how it feels when at work, the mom's guilt starts crawling in and while at home, the worries of having incomplete work sitting on the desk creep in. 

This is a 12 weeks interactive online course that teaches, guides and supports busy moms who are building and working on their business and managing family at the same time. 

The program is designed to provide the learning space and environment to transform you into a more confident and positive parent with a strong and nurturing relationship with your children. 

Its objectives include reducing chaos by learning to meet your child's needs and fueling their love tank while running your business. 

How does it work?

The course is split into modules and consist of easy-to-follow videos and PDFs instructions and fun sheets. All of the training is online so you can go at your own pace and you have access to the content, for as long as the program exists.

You can view the training videos, connect with others in the group, and compare notes with classmates who are taking the same course. Most of the videos are within 20 minutes long so that it won't take up loads of your time.

This course also includes interactive components like “LIVE Teach” where you will be joining me LIVE for coffee/tea session and discuss together to find pieces of strategic advice to help each other. This also ensures that you take consistent action and receive the highest value from your investment.

For more information on this course, do email to [email protected].

Course Description

Before working on a relationship with your child, you need to learn about YOU first. Self-awareness and is important. With better knowledge about ourselves, we can then empower to make changes and to improve. 

+ Discovering yourself and nurturing your mama spirit
+ Finding and getting the support
+ To better manage your time by thinking ahead, anticipate and plan with clear goals and fulfiling your own potential
+ Building a great relationship with your child and stay connected with them.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Discover you (Stress less and love yourself more)
We always think or even feel that we are running out of time because we need to put aside time for our children's needs and time for our business that we avoid our favourite hobbies and meeting our own needs.

We need to be aware that in order for our children to value us, we need to value ourselves first. Taking care of our family and working can take an enormous amount of energy from us. If we keep taking care of our family and not ourselves, we will get depleted very soon and everyone around you will suffer as well. 

In this module, you will deep dive into your soul and learn about 
- self-care techniques
- rediscover yourself and as a parent 
- finding your passion
- work on your passion 
- understand your parenting style
- nurture your mama spirit

Module 2: Time Management
In this lesson, you will learn to better manage your time by thinking ahead, anticipate and plan with clear goals and fulfilling your own potential. You will also learn to make sure your time is focused on the goals and able to schedule “me” time into your lives. 

You will learn
- to identify the main sources of stress 
- step by step guide on how to manage your time
- apply effective techniques to overcome it. 
- unleash the potential of action prioritization and design ‘to do’ list
- planner to help you plan your day, week and even months

Module 3: Connecting with children
Connection plays a huge part in a parent-child relationship. By connecting with your children, we share responsibilities and children will have a healthier development both physically and emotionally.  

This module is broken down into several further modules where we will go more in-depth and you will learn to build a great relationship with your child and stay connected with them. 

In this module, we will go through strategies on how to set the foundations for our family and how to adjust accordingly according to individual family's culture. 

Module 4: Conscious and Positive Discipline

The attitudes of parents have a huge impact on the actions and parenting behaviours. For example, parents who value being responsive and warm to children when a child behaves well does not mean that they are able to express their feelings when their child is misbehaving due to the specific ways of how parents think. 

This module consists of topics:
- our views vs the child's views
- being conscious and discipline positively

Module 5: Communication with children and handling emotions
Having good communication is important between a parent and a child and that involves listening to them and talking in ways that encourage them to listen to you as well. It is a 2-way traffic.

Being able to listen and getting your child to listen as well helps in expressing their emotions too. 

This module involves topics such as follows:
- understanding the basics of communication
 - tools to improve your communication with your children
- learning to be a good listener
- tools to encourage them to listen

Module 6: Children behaviour

As a parent, we need to understand our children's behaviour so that we are able to help them to learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.

Being able to understand their behaviour and explaining to them, children are able to reflect on their actions and their environment.

This module consists of topics:
- tools to assist you to manage your child's behaviours and emotions
- tools to managing power struggles 
- strategies for making improvements
- understanding different types of behaviour
- tools to work on each type of behaviours

What's more! 
- A monthly call 
- Daily access for support through email or messaging 
-  A private group for discussion

When can I start?

As soon as you join, you’ll receive an email receipt together with the login and a link to the online classroom. You can get started right away!

How long will it take?

This course takes 12 weeks to complete. Being a parent, life gets busy at times and you may not be able to follow through at times and I can understand. 

You don't have to rush through as each class will take time for you to take action and experience the results. We look forward to helping you on your journey to reduced stress, greater connection, and cooperation in your family.

What if I can't complete within 12 weeks?

Things get in the way. I can totally get it. Once you have purchased this program, it will be lifetime access. It takes time and effort to successfully implement strategies and achieving the results you want. To implement all strategies at once is impossible. 

With lifetime access, you can still have access to the group and support from us guiding you along the way. 

Payment Plan

+ On-demand videos
+ Tools
+ Workbooks
+ Monthly LIVE support
+ Online FB group support